Sunday, September 13, 2009

My Contribution

Jacqui Vaccaro
English 313H

The group I chose to be a part of was the “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof” group. I chose this group because I had not read the play and wanted to further study its role in a class that examines the “radical romance”. My group decided that, in order to get the entire class involved and interested in our presentation, a game would be the most beneficial way in which this could be accomplished. Two choices for a presentation format arose: a Jerry Springer type performance or a Jeopardy style game. My group lost one of its members when one of the girls dropped the class, which in turn meant that we could not do the Jerry Springer idea because it required seven people. My Jeopardy game show idea was then adopted. Each member of the group was responsible for creating a category and the questions for that category. I created the category “Lies, Lies, Lies”, in which the class is presented with a statement that is a lie from “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof” and then the class has to come up with the truth. For example, “Maggie loved Mae and Gooper’s kids.” The class should then respond “What is Maggie hated them and called the kids “no necked monsters?”. This category should not be considered a true Jeopardy category in that the answers will not be simple, but rather my classmates should have different opinions about the answer. Every member in the group contributed to the creation of this presentation. A few ways I was able to help included suggesting the Jeopardy game format, organizing a meeting to prepare for our presentation, creating the “Lies, lies, lies” category, and purchasing/providing the candy as a prize for student participation.

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